Histological effect of Artichoke leaf extract on bone healing in rats


  • Nawar Bahjet Kamil Department of Oral Diagnosis, College of Dentistry, University of Baghdad, Iraq.
  • Sura Saad Majeed Department of Dentistry, Al-Rafidain University College, Baghdad, Iraq.
  • Mohammed A. Salman Urosurgeon, Al Kindy teaching hospital, Ministry of Health, Baghdad, Iraq.




Artichoke oil, bone healing


Objectives: This study evaluated the effect of artichoke leaves extract on bone healing.

Methods: A total of 30 rabbits were used in the current study, 60 bone defects were made, divided into 30  bone defects left without treatment and an other 30 bone defects were treated with 0.5ml of Artichocke oil. Each group was divided randomly into three period intervals (1week, 2 and 5 weeks).

Results: Current study had showed a high significant difference between the control and the experimental group in osteoclast cells account, a significant difference in osteoblast and osteocyte cells account. Also there was a high significant difference in the formation  of the blood vessels and the trabecular bone between the experimental and the control group.

Conclusion: Artichoke leaves extract was effective and faster in bone healing without any complication in comparison with the control group.


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How to Cite

Kamil, N. B. ., Majeed, S. S. ., & Salman, M. A. . (2022). Histological effect of Artichoke leaf extract on bone healing in rats. Journal of Contemporary Medical Sciences, 8(2). https://doi.org/10.22317/jcms.v8i2.1200