Evaluation of Elementary School Teachers’ Knowledge about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Evaluation, Elementary Schools, Teachers, Knowledge, Attention Deficit Disorder with HyperactivityAbstract
Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate elementary school teachers’ knowledge about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in AL-Diwaniyah City.
Methods: A quantitative research, descriptive correlational design was used in this study, the study conducted on teachers at elementary schools in AL-Diwaniyah City from (20th September 2021 to 30th June, 2022) to evaluate of elementary school teachers knowledge about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The sample consist of (354) elementary school teachers were participated in the study. A non-probability sampling (convenience sample). The sample size was detected by using the sample size formula which is obtained from Steven K. Thompson, (2012). To determine the effect sample size regarding the population size.
Results: The findings indicates that 68.6% of teachers show fair level of knowledge about attention deficit hyperactivity disorders (23.90±6.989).
Conclusion: Considering the results discussion and their interpretations, the study concludes that the knowledge of the elementary school teachers in AL-Diwaniyah City at fair level regarding ADHD.
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