Biofeedback of Heart Rate Variability in the treatment of chronic diseases: A Systematic Review
Biofeedback, Psychology, Heart Rate, Chronic DiseaseAbstract
Background: HRVB (heart rate variability biofeedback) is a non-pharmacological method for chronic diseases evaluation.
Method: Adults chronic sufferers, HRVB as the primary therapy with or without controlled circumstances, and psycho - physiological results as regression analysis were all included in a systematic search.
Results: There were 21 publications in overall. HRVB was found to be feasible in chronic patients with no adverse reactions, according to the findings. Significant favourable impacts on hypertension and cardiovascular prognostic, inflammation condition, asthma issues, depression and anxiety, sleeping disruptions, cognitive function, and pain were reported in diverse patient characteristics that could be linked to enhanced quality of life. Increases in treatment practice were accompanied by increases in heart rate variability, implying that HRVB may have a regulatory influence on autonomic function.
Conclusions: HRVB has the potential to help individuals with chronic conditions. More research is needed to reinforce these findings as well as identify the most efficient strategy.
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