Infection Prevention and Control Measures for COVID-19 among Medical Staff in Nineveh Governorate, Iraq


  • Zakaria A Kassim Department of Medicine, Mosul General Hospital, Mosul, Iraq.
  • Sharef Al-Mulaabed Department of Pediatrics, Presbyterian Medical Group, New Mexico, United States.
  • Saif W Younis Department of Public Health, Mosul, Iraq
  • Ali A Abutiheen Department of Family & Community Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Kerbala, Karbala, Iraq.



Infection prevention and control, COVID-19, Nineveh, Mosul, Iraq


Objectives: To assess the adherence to IPC measures among medical staff working in Nineveh governorate during COVID-19 pandemic.

Methods: A cross sectional study, using an online survey sent to different medical staff in Nineveh. The questionnaire was composed of two parts, the first included demographic information, and the second covered IPC measures. Survey was completed by medical staff witnessed COVID-19 pandemic in Nineveh governorate.

Results: The total sample was 412, of whom, 316 (77%) were males and 142 (35%) were physicians. Overall, the percentage of staff following different IPC measures was ranging from 31 % in wearing head cover, to 97% in keeping clean hands constantly. Main missed points were found in respiratory hygiene, physical distancing and self-isolation. Females were more likely to apply bandages to wounds and wearing gloves before examining patients. Compared to other medical staff, physicians were less compliant to washing hands, putting waste in designated places and wearing protective cloths. Those who work in hospitals were better compliant with sterilizing hands before entering home.

Conclusion: The adherence to IPC measures was ranging from less than one-half in wearing sterile head cover, to nearly all respondents in keeping clean hands. There is a great need to provide support as well as training in regards to IPC in Nineveh governorate city.


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How to Cite

Kassim, Z. A., Al-Mulaabed, S., Younis, S. W., & Abutiheen, A. A. (2020). Infection Prevention and Control Measures for COVID-19 among Medical Staff in Nineveh Governorate, Iraq. Journal of Contemporary Medical Sciences, 6(4), 150–155.

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